Valentine’s day

Valentine’s day was a day set by the catholic church to celebrate several saints called Valentine. One particular Valentine was said to have died because he married Roman soldiers (Roman soldiers were not allowed to marry). Whatever the reason gradually the day began to be known as a day to send gifts and poems to someone you loved. Its uncertain when cards began to be sent but by Victorian times very elaborate cards would be made to send to their loved ones. These were handmade cards but with the new postal service and the ability to mass produce cards the printers starting producing lists of suitable poems and printed cards. Here’s how to make your true love a valentine gift.


You need 2 sheets of tissue paper, a bendy straw (preferably green) some sticky tape, and a little PVA glue.

Fold the red tissue length ways and then into petal size.


DSCF0638Cut round the top to make a petal shape. Be careful not to cut too far down as the petals need to be joined together.

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Curl first strip of petals loosely and fasten end with sticky tape and then roll another strip round the bud. If you roll too tightly the petals will not look lifelike.

DSCF0625Cut a piece of green tissue or crepe paper to make the bottom part of your flower. Use sticky tape to secure.

DSCF0627DSCF0628 Secure bendy straw to flower and wind round a thin strip of green tissue or crepe paper. (Crepe is best because it stretches slightly) to make the stem. You could put thin layer of PVA glue on straw first to help strip stick.This way it hides the sticky tape. Be careful not to use too much glue as it soaks into the crepe paper and the colour runs. Leave to dry.

If you like you can spray the flower with perfume (not too much or colours will run) or put a small scented piece of cotton wool into the centre. Make sure the person you are sending it too isn’t allergic to perfume though. If not sure leave this part out.

Happy Valentines Day

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